Yoga for Tight Hips and Low back Pain

Tight hips and low back pain are common complaints in our modern world.  Being able to move freely through your hips gives you balance, grace, and ease.  You are much less likely to get injured in any movement when you have a free range of motion in the hips.  

Tight hips are associated with sitting for long periods of time, which causes our hip flexors to shorten.  The hip flexors are a group of muscles around the top of the thighs.  They connect the hip to the leg and are used to bend and lift your knees.  

Low back pain has many causes.  Tight hamstring muscles are a common reason.  Hamstrings are 3 muscles in the back of the thigh, starting at your hip and inserting into the knee. Tendons attach them to bones in your pelvis, knee, and lower leg. The hamstrings are important for standing, walking, running, and jumping. When hamstrings are tight, they pull on the bottom of the pelvis tilting it back.  This causes low back pain.

We are made to move. 

Humans are made to move... walking, jumping, running, reaching, lifting, being upright.  We are meant to be active.  

How much time each day are you active?  Being active is different for everyone.  But there are simple things most of us can do to get started. Walking is the simplest and most important.  Practicing and teaching yoga every day has been the key to keeping me moving.  Find something you enjoy like spending time outdoors, gardening, biking, yoga and keep doing it.  It is best to try to do the activity every day even if it’s a short period of time.  Trying to do a long exercise only once a week isn’t as effective and a short exercise every day.

Stretching hips and low back with yoga poses.

Yoga poses and gentle movements warm muscles and joints to help release tightness and reduce pain. I suggest that students start with a brief walk and or warm bath or shower before practicing the yoga poses.  This will warm the joints and relax the body.  If you can get onto the floor and then back up again and feel comfortable, try this short practice.

Begin on your back with knees to chest pose.  Keep your hands on your knees as you draw them into your chest, and inhale, and exhale as you rock forward over your hips. Continue about 3-4 times

 If you feel comfortable continue with bridge pose.  Begin with feet on the ground about the hip’s width apart.  Inhale slowly, lift your hips up, and roll onto your upper back and shoulders, exhale slowly start to roll down touching your spine slowly onto the floor. Repeat 3-4 times.  

 Continue with the reclined twisting pose.  Keep feet on the floor and knees bent, exhale and begin to move both knees across to the left, inhale, and slowly come back up.  Then repeat going across to the right.  Repeat each side 3-4 times.  

The last pose is to repeat the knees to chest pose about 3-4 times to realign your back and hips.  

“Bridge Pose”

Hip release slowly with breathwork.  

When teaching hip stretches, I remind my students that hips are resistant to releasing. Their main function is to support and hold us. It takes time to release and let go in the hips.  It can feel vulnerable to open and let go in your hip area.  Working with relaxing breathing while practicing can feel supportive and allow you to let go easier.  

Practice the “Hips & Low Back” class with me in my Yoga Membership Link here to join:

Pamela Peterson